Exporting Data Sheet for Documentation and Sharing
Ostatnia aktualizacja: 2024-01-08
Ostatnia aktualizacja: 2024-01-08
Liczba odwiedzin posta: 256
Exporting Data Sheet for Documentation and Sharing
Introduction to Documentation and Sharing
Effortlessly manage and share your network data with Fibkit's robust Documentation and Sharing features.
Data Sheet Export
Network Elements
- Format: XLS (Excel)
- Contents: Essential details on cables, closures, and termination points.
- Export Steps:
- Navigate to the desired section (Cables, Closures, Termination Points).
- Tap "Export" or "Download" and choose XLS format.
- Save the file to your preferred location.
Splices (Fiber Connections)
- Formats: XLS, PDF, CSV
- Contents: Detailed information on fiber connections in closures and termination points.
- Export Steps:
- Access the Splices section.
- Select the desired fiber connection category.
- Tap "Export" and choose XLS, PDF, or CSV.
- Save the file to your preferred location.
Map Export
KML File
- Format: KML (Keyhole Markup Language)
- Contents: Visualize layers and network elements on the map effortlessly.
- Export Steps:
- Open the map view.
- Tap "Export Map" and select KML format.
- Save the KML file to your device.
Schematic and Diagrams Export
Fiber Connections Visualization
- Format: PDF
- Contents: Visually represent your fiber connections.
- Export Steps:
- Visit the Fiber Connections Visualization section.
- Tap "Export" and choose PDF.
- Save the PDF file to your preferred location.
Fiber Route Visualization
- Format: PDF
- Contents: Illustrate your fiber route with an easy-to-read diagram.
- Export Steps:
- Access the Fiber Route Visualization section.
- Tap "Export" and select PDF.
- Save the PDF file to your device.
- Always ensure the accuracy of your exported files.
- Utilize these files for documentation, collaboration, or sharing purposes.
- For assistance or inquiries, reach out to us at help@fibkit.com.
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