Undo Changes

Utworzono: 2020-04-16
Ostatnia aktualizacja: 2024-01-04
Liczba odwiedzin posta: 642

Undo Changes and Revert Back on Fibkit.com

While using Fibkit.com, it's important to note that certain actions cannot be undone. If you've made a mistake and need to revert back to a previous state, follow these steps:

1. Identify the Mistake

If you realize you've made an error in your configurations, such as deleting an object (e.g., cable, point, splice), take note of what needs to be corrected.

2. Delete the Object

Locate the object that needs correction and delete it. This could involve removing a cable, point, or splice from your network configuration.

3. Make a New Object

After deleting the incorrect object, create a new one with the correct details. For example, if you deleted a cable, add a new cable with the accurate specifications.

Remember, certain actions, once performed, cannot be undone. Therefore, it's crucial to review your changes before confirming them. For any further assistance, feel free to contact us at help@fibkit.com.
