Splice Schematics
Ostatnia aktualizacja: 2024-01-05
Ostatnia aktualizacja: 2024-01-05
Liczba odwiedzin posta: 691
Introduction to Splice Schematics
Welcome to Fibkit.com! Our application automatically generates splice schematics to help you visualize fiber connections effortlessly. Here's a quick overview:
1. Types of Splice Schematics
We offer three types of splice schematics for your convenience:
- All Fiber Connections: Display the diagram of all fiber connections in the splice point.
- Selected Cable to Other Cables: Display the diagram of fiber connections from the selected cable to other fiber optic cables in the selected splice point.
- Various Fibers to Selected Cable: Display the diagram of fiber connections from various fibers to the selected fiber optic cable in the splice point.
2. Download as PDF
Additionally, you have the option to download the splice schematic as a PDF file. This feature allows you to save and share the diagrams as needed.
For any further assistance, feel free to contact us at help@fibkit.com. Thank you for choosing Fibkit.com!
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